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Research Note: The Effect of US Sanctions on Huawei’s Performance and Prospects

Ken Stibler

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

In this research note, Visiting Researcher Elijah Karshner explores the effects of American sanctions on Huawei’s financial and strategic position given the telecom giant’s close ties to Beijing, vulnerability to global technology supply chains, and dominant position in domestic Chinese markets.

"Huawei is one of China’s most significant tech companies. It has ties to the Chinese government and plays a key role in high tech computing and infrastructure development, particularly in the consumer goods and wireless connectivity sectors. The Trump administration’s trade war against China often targeted Huawei in particular, citing its intellectual property theft and its ties to the Chinese government. These restrictions have hurt Huawei’s supply chains and logistic resilience but sustained long-term, they would require alternative measures given the size and importance of the Chinese domestic telecommunication market."

Read the full research note here.


This research is part of the ERI archive. Learn more about the ERI pandemic project and its researchers here.

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