Demand-Driven Research
The center sets our research agenda based on the needs of policymakers and practitioners to deliver actionable insight rather than just adding to the noise.
Focus Areas
While the center tracks all major policy areas facing emerging markets, our core research areas focus on the root causes and potential solutions of social and political symptoms.
Sovereign Debt Management
Over 30% of the emerging world's debt has been in default since 1970 and defaults drive large increases in poverty, yet the space tends to be the realm of failed ideas and lawyers.
Private Sector Development
Employing the vast majority of people in all economies, private companies are resilient, getting the operating environment right can create a virtuous cycle.
National Competition and Innovation Policy
EMs face the middle income trap, path dependency, and races to the bottom by key corporates. Designing more effective and equitable strategies for competition is key.
Navigating Geoeconomic Fragmentation
Geopolitical fragmentation is creating hard choices for EMs from sanctions and parallel trading blocs that color continuing efforts to attract the needed capital.
Unconventional Monetary Policy
Rising borrowing costs and repeated debt crises have seen the emerging of EM central banks' asset purchase programs. Such tools bring new opportunities and risks.
Countering Illicit Economies
Low state capacity is a breeding ground for illicit actors that seek to undermine legitimate actors. From drug smuggling to transfer pricing, illicit enrichment often has a high cost for developing countries
Our Approach
CEE is a demand driven think tank, working on novel and actionable solutions to real policy challenges demands a different set of rules than for traditional think tanks

Novelty and Creativity
New ideas are critical for policy spaces defined by incremental change in an accelerating world, we strive to innovate wherever possible
Additive and Action Oriented
The Center exists to centralize and synthesize, original research is conduct when necessary and useful rather than nice and investing
Cross Regionally Comparative
Emerging countries offer key lessons for each other once assessed together, a cross-regional, sectoral, and thematic mindset sharpens analysis
Built for a VUCA world
Today's solution is tomorrow's failure, the Center works to constantly adapt and innovation for a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world